COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Office Procedures

Ensuring safety for all of our patients

As guided by our Colleges, we have suspended all non-urgent care. Our building and medical office are adapting to meet proper social distancing and Federal safety guidelines. In the meantime, we are still available to provide tele-medical services. Please call or e-mail Katina; she is happy to review your virtual care options with you. Stay healthy and safe, we look forward to seeing you soon.

  1. Aaron's patients will be provided a private waiting room of their own
  2. Continued excellence in disinfection and personal protection will be respected
  3. Please contact Katina via e-mail if you have any questions or concerns at this time.

Further information will be provided regarding specific changes to your arrival procedure and our elite in-office hygiene practice.

Contact Us

Fill out the form below, and we will contact you during our business hours.